The Nepali Contemporary Artists contributed NRs. 2,00,000 to KIOCH for Children’s Healthcare in Nepal

The Nepalese Contemporary Artists in coordination with KIOCH organized a 10 days’ ‘Contemporary Art Exhibition’. The event was held from 11 to 20 Chaitra, 2078 (25 March to 3 April 2022) in the art studio located at Bhanimandal, Lalitpur. The Organizing Committee members – Mrs. Pratistha Bhandari, Mrs. Erina Tamrakar, Mr. Kapil Mani Dixit and Mr. Asha Dangol have dedicated the savings from this year’s exhibition for Healthcare of Children of Nepal.


The exhibition accumulated 130 artworks including painting, ceramic, drawing, installation, sculptures by 48 established Nepali contemporary artists. Along with their artworks the organizing committee instated five artworks of the legendary artist Mr. Birendra Pratap Singh of which one was in auction; 100% of the proceeds from his arts was dedicated to KIOCH. Likewise, 10% of the proceeds from the total exhibition was contributed to KIOCH.


Art workshops for children and adults were also conducted during the exhibition; workshops were facilitated by renowned artists Mrs. Samjhana Rajbhandari and Mrs. Erina Tamrakar. In 10 days of the exhibition, around 400 visitors from diverse background visited the event.
