Financial Support Provided by Global IME Bank

Global IME Bank provided a support to KIOCH towards Construction of Children Hospital in Kathmandu


Global IME Bank Limited provided a support of 10 million Nepali Rupees to KIOCH for constructing of Children Hospital in Kathmandu under its Corporate Social Respnsibility. And agreement on this regards was signed at Global IME Bank, Kamaladi on 7th May 2021 by the Chief Executive Officer of Global IME Bank Mr. Ratnaraj Bajracharya and Founder Chairman of KIOCH Prof. Dr. Bhagawan Koirala in gracious presence of Chairman of Global IME Bank MR. Chandra Dhakal.

CEO Mr. Bajracharya of expressed his happiness to be able to support a cause of Quality Health Care for all children of Nepal. He said the pandemic has indicated dire need of such health care facilities and such initiations will make health care available and accessible.

Founder Chairperson Prof. Dr. Koirala informed KIOCH’s intention to establish a Multi-Specialty Children hospital in Kathmandu and other provinces of the country. He assured the fund provided by the bank will be properly utilized and this will play prominent role for the health care of incoming generation.

The support provided by the bank at this difficult situation is not limited to financial support but a gesture of being positive and keeping hope for betterment.