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Founding KIOCH, the Kathmandu Institute of Child Health

All children in Nepal deserve the best healthcare, no matter where they live or whether they are rich or poor. By building a comprehensive children’s hospital in Kathmandu, KIOCH has committed itself to achieve this. We are very proud to be able to tell you that this June, KIOCH was officially registered as a Private Not for Profit Company in Nepal.

A very valuable piece of land to build the hospital has been promised as a gift; at the moment, KIOCH is in negotiation over the best location possible to serve as many children as possible in and around Kathmandu.

Just to remind you why we are undertaking this endeavour..

In Nepal 36 children out of thousand children die before their fifth birthday – against six per thousand in the western world. Child mortality can be reduced by improving the timely access to specialized child health services. We believe that all children in Nepal deserve the best healthcare, no matter where they live or whether they are rich or poor.

The government of Nepal is committed to improve child health care. They stand by the sustainable development goal to reduce neonatal and infant mortality. They have set the ambitious target for one child to die out of thousand by 2030. Together, we can achieve this.

We need to give all children in Nepal good health care and we will start by building a children’s hospital in Kathmandu.