Introducing our Advisors to the Board: Prof. dr. Bob Pinedo, Ms Lideweij Hylarides and Mr. Ton aan de Stegge


It all starts with people. People who are inspired by and become dedicated to the dream of our initiators Prof. dr. Bhagawan Koirala and Mr. Deepak Raj Sapkota. Dedicated to making the KIOCH specialised children’s hospital come true by investing their network and expertise. Our Advisors to the Board are three of these dedicated people. Coming from different professional backgrounds, they each have their unique knowledge which is invaluable to setting up KIOCH. Prof. dr. Bob Pinedo has extensive experience in setting up new and innovative hospitals, Ms Lideweij Hylarides is involved in high level fundraising for important medical causes and Mr. Ton aan de Stegge is a successful businessman and investor, amongst others in multiple (social) enterprises in Nepal. We feel privileged to have their support and are convinced they will help build an even stronger KIOCH!